About Us

The Corner Stepping Stone started back in 1995 in St. Paul Minnesota. Doris Brundage and her daughter, Cindy Olson were the founders. The two had an ambitious goal: to improve the lives of those in the community. The two were active in the community, but they decided to take a more hands-on approach by opening each of their homes to those who could use a helping hand. They lived side-by-side and helped each other just as they helped the people who resided in their homes.
Five years later, the two decided to move to Barnesville. They heard about the great community there and were eager to be a part of it—they just needed to find a home. They searched for a home that would be big enough to provide the standard of living they wanted for their residents. They wanted it to be able to comfortably fit five people with multiple bathrooms and living rooms so that no one would feel too cramped. It needed to have room for an exercise room, a game room, and even a computer room. It also needed to be in a good location with low traffic so people could feel comfortable exploring the area. It seemed like an impossible dream. Then they found it. There was a building for sale that used to be a hotel. It was large enough and in the perfect location; the only problem was it needed to be remodeled to a more home-like setting.
It took a year, but the project was completed and the house was ready. It felt like a dream come true for everyone involved. Fast forward to today and now Cindy’s children are getting involved as well. Her daughter, April has taken on the role of coordinator. She has been involved in caring for others her entire life, and has started a small business assisting other homes with the paperwork for their homes. Alex, Cindy’s son, is a trained CNA and has experience working in both Nursing homes and Adult Foster Care settings. Alex is planning on taking over the Corner Stepping Stone and running it long into the future.
The Corner Stepping Stone has three generations worth of experience and we hope we can use that experience to best serve you.